
Board Members

Smiling picture of Sristi KC
Founder / President

Sristi KC

Smiling picture of Neelkamal Shrestha
Vice President

Nil Kamal Chettri Shrestha

Portrait image of Vishwo Ram Shrestha

Vishwo Ram Shrestha

Portrait picture of Narayani Dawadi

Narayani Dawadi

Portrait image of Sambhawi Dawadi
Vice Secretary

Sunita Dawadi

Portrait image of Firoj
Board Member

Firoj Shakya

Portrait image of Sudan
Board Member

Sudhan Tandukar

Portrait image of Samjhana
Board Member

Samjhana Rijal

Smiling image of Sami Lawati with peace symbol
Board Member

Sami Lawati

Team Members

Smiling image of Aarju Parajuli
Project Coordinator

Aarju Parajuli