Sristi KC
Founder / President

Striving through life as a visually impaired person gave me the courage and strength to fight for a course that I believe is for me and other visually impaired persons. I am a motivational speaker, dancer and a visionary from Nepal. At age sixteen I lost my eye sight. Initially I struggled to cope with my new situation. I was able to overcome many challenges to lead a life filled with happiness and dignity. Commonly blind people are treated as objects of pity and charity and I seek to empower the blind as I have empowered myself.
What initially was my limitation has now become my springboard and I am ready to rock the blind. With this in mind I started to be involved in an organization ready to help people with disabilities. I also continued with my dance. People who watched me were surprised when they realized that I was blind. Their ovation was a driving force to me. I then performed on various stages in Nepal and abroad. My desire to learn new steps through professional training were, however, shattered when the dancing institutions were not ready to accept a blind dancer. They were at the opinion that blind people cannot follow instructions properly.
I then followed what my heart told me “If you don’t find a way, create one!!”
I decided to teach myself using my imagination. I not only taught myself but soon started teaching other blind people as well through various dance workshops. My passion to empower the blind people to enjoy life like any other sighted person grew. I didn’t want blindness to be synonymous with pity and charity anymore. I started organizing various workshops in Nepal and India and started delivering motivational speeches. The reactions of My participants encouraged me so much that I decided to set up “Blind Rocks!” an organization that will travel around the world to get the blind out of their comfort zones and empower them to be part of life. And I plan even more than dance today: fashion shows with and for the blind inter personal skills, and adventurous tours, such as rock climbing, white water rafting etc.
Awards and Achievements
- Choreomundus International Master’s Degree program on Dance Practice, Knowledge and Heritage – Degree offered by a consortium of four universities from Norway, France, Hungary and the UK. May, 2017
- “Arjun Swarna Padak”, a Gold Medal received from Prime Minister of Nepal for securing highest marks in Nepali faculty in Bachelor level in Humanities run by Tribhuwan University.
- Award and certificate received from President of Nepal Dr. Ram Baran Yadav for securing highest mark in Proficiency Certificate Level in Humanities run by Tribhuwan University.
- National Youth Award 2016, received from Youth Ministry Government of Nepal.
- Certificate of Appreciation received from the John Paul II University, Lubling Poland for conducting a dance workshop.
- Certificate of Participation at First World Congress for Persons with Disabilities, Yekaterinburg Russia
- Certificate of Participation at South Asian Workshop for Advancing the Rights of Women with Disabilities through Networking and capacity Building for Advocacy
- “Youth Excellence Award 2013” received in Kerala, India.
- Kamala Memorial Pratibha Award
- Certificate of Appreciation received from White Cane Social Movement Organization, Yekaterinburg Russia
- Certificate of Felicitation received from Siru Intellectual Society, Sirutar, Bhaktapur, Nepal.
- Certificate of Appreciation received from Lalitpur Blind Association, Lalitpur, Nepal.