Impact Stories

Two people holding each others hands and they are standing on top of other person's hand and Blind Rocks! written in both Braille and sighted alphabets

Transformative Journey of Sagar Nepal : Mr. Blind Rockers International 2023

Sagar Nepal, a 24-year-old from Baraha Municipality in the Sunsari District, has experienced a profound transformation through his involvement with Blind Rocks. Born blind, Sagar initially faced societal limitations and personal insecurities about his abilities and appearance. However, his journey with Blind Rocks reshaped his self-perception and unlocked his potential. After moving to Kathmandu, his

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Two people holding each others hands and they are standing on top of other person's hand and Blind Rocks! written in both Braille and sighted alphabets

Samjhana Rijal : A Singing Queen of Blind Rocks!

Samjhana Rijal, a 25-year-old born blind, has experienced an extraordinary journey of empowerment and personal growth since joining Blind Rocks in 2016. Before joining Blind Rocks, Samjhana’s primary challenge was finding a platform to express her talents and passions. Born blind, she faced societal barriers that often limited her opportunities to engage in activities she

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Two people holding each others hands and they are standing on top of other person's hand and Blind Rocks! written in both Braille and sighted alphabets

Transformative Journey of Sami Lawati, Miss. Blind Rockers 2021

“I now do not miss any opportunity to shine after being crowned Ms. Blind Rockers 2021,” proudly proclaims Ms. Sami Lawati. A twenty-year-old born blind, Sami hails from the village of Khareldada in the IIam district. She worked as a health counselor during the COVID-19 pandemic, but since her work was done virtually, she lacked

Transformative Journey of Sami Lawati, Miss. Blind Rockers 2021 Read More »