Blind Rocks

Mental Health and Personality Development Workshop – Project from Rocker of the Year Award 2021 winner group

On August 18, We conducted a project pitch competition for the Rockers of the year award which is under the Mr. and Ms. Blind Rocker Season 3 event. “Empower yourself to Empower others” was the main theme of the event this year. In the Judge Panel, we had Miss World Nepal 2019 Anushka Shrestha and Founder of Higher Ground Nepal Ms. Bimala Shrestha Pokhrel. The competition was won by Group D (Rojina Pokhrel, Drishtika Shrestha, Ajita Devkota, and Kiran Dahal).

On 2021, Nov 12-13, The winner group of competition conducted a mental health, and personality development training program at Namuna Machhindra Secondary School in Lagankhel


This Golden Future project was attended by 18 blind students with the age group of 9 to 16 years. Relationship expansion, good and bad touch, mental health and personality development were the primary sessions while self care health and fitness habits and saving habits were the secondary sessions of the program. After a three-hour session the day before, the students were divided into four groups and given homework for the next day. As a result of this homework, the students not only raised sensitive issues but also presented their potential in a very good way. This program has given us the message that the future of these disabled brothers and sisters is bright if they get the same opportunity as their fellow students.

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